Website Notes

updated 09/12/2020 by Matt Royston-Bishop

This page sets down why I am spending time on building a website and records my research.

Site Brief

First and foremost the site is to provide a web presence for me as a Sound and Video designer. Second, a notepad of tutorials, ideas, and concise guides with step by step actions. The goal is to pull together exhaustive articles (10k+ words). These will be frequently updated to maintain relevance through additional content and the removal of the outdated and irrelevant.

“the web is inundated with short-form content and gifs, you’re better off spending your time writing that one epic piece of content that has less competition instead of writing lots of short, fluffy pieces.”

Evidence - Longer NY times articles more likely to be shared 

“Delete and draft without mercy.”

The principal aim of the articles is attracting readers and growing my professional authority. Secondary, some form of affiliate income but NO ADS. Educational content will always be freely offered.

The website will be designed from a mobile-first standpoint. Simple, clean design which is easily readable on a mobile phone.

Articles will be published on a Tuesday and…



This website is a static site built with Jekyll. It is currently hosted by Netlify. I use Cloudcannon as CMS (Content Managment System). The domain is registered with Google domains. I created the Favicon with

SEO using

Colour palette

What’s next

Currently images are resized by adding the following to layouts_scss

img {
  max-width: 100%;
  height: auto;
  border:1px solid #021a40;

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Reference Notes  - App on this website analyses some basic SEO metrics. Top issue here is the low word count on some of the pages. Be sure to include “H1” heading tags.

“In general, the average web page that ranks on page 1 of Google contains 2200 words.” - Important to define blog niche

“When you’re choosing a blog niche, you want to pick a topic area that you can write about weekly or even daily for years to come.”

Find the intersection of

“Choose a niche you’re genuinely interested in. Something you’d enjoy writing about day after day for years to come.”

Keywords etc

“Are companies advertising products relating to your keywords?”

“Keyword research is a process bloggers and content marketers use to discover which relevant search terms are being typed into the major search engines like Google. These commonly searched words and phrases give content creators a good indication of what people are searching for on the Internet—and thus which topics to write about in order to bring those readers to yoSeed keywords are baseline keywords that fit your business or niche. They’re the overarching ideas that’ll serve as your main content categories that you can later narrow down into more specific blog post ideas.ur website.” 


-> Brainstorm some article ideas

What is trending? 

“In fact, 50% of search queries are four words or longer.” - High-Volume, Low Competition, High Click Rate Keywords - Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) are the pages displayed by search engines in response to a query by a user. The main component of the SERP is the listing of results that are returned by the search engine in response to a keyword query.

Write effective headlines

Drive traffic to the website

Youtube Channel

“YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world”

“Publish quality YouTube videos and embed them into related posts on your blog”


Resources - For transcriptions, captions, and foreign subtitles - DNS redirect to - The Lorem Ipsum for photos - Free stock photos